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Big Questions to ask to Make Money in 2022

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Make Money
Make Money Online in 2022. Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Money is the top wish we have for ourselves at the start of each year and to live a better and happier life, and this year will be no different.

In addition to money, we pray for our own health, abundance, God’s grace, and the joy of our neighbours, but we know that having more money means that our prayers have been answered.

In an effort to better ourselves and our lives in the new year, we write down and pray for our new year’s resolutions. Because of the fast pace of life, we tend to forget our New Year’s resolutions after a few days.

Some people believe that in order to succeed in life, you must first sit down and make detailed plans and goals, after which you must then go out and put those ideas into action. Not a good concept.

This is a bad idea. Asking yourself specific questions before making plans or setting goals is a better approach. So, if you want a competitive edge on your competition in 2022, these are the top seven questions to ponder.

What amount of money do I want to earn?

crop man getting dollars from wallet
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

As simple as it may seem, this is the most important question you need to ask yourself. It serves as a guide to help you get where you need to go.

Before you do anything else, be sure you know how much money you want to make in 2022. You’re more likely to succeed if you choose an exact number.

When you are asked how much money they’d like to make, You should respond with something like, “I’d like to make $20,000 or $50,000 by 2022.”

Putting yourself in that position will activate your subconscious, which will mobilize resources to assist you in reaching your goal. If you want to attain the goal you’ve set, be sure you know exactly what that goal is in terms of numbers. Setting a goal that is too high might sometimes be a sign of insanity. What matters is how you tune your mind at any given time. Instead of aiming for $50,000, why not shoot for $20,000, which is 10 times your current salary?

Is the work I’m doing paying off financially?

Many individuals enjoy doing things that make them popular, loved, or liked, but they don’t always question if the money they’re making is worth it.

 As you may be aware, time is a precious commodity that, once depleted, cannot be replenished. As a result, you must make the most of your limited time.

Consider whether or not doing anything will result in extra money in your bank account before you do it. If the answer is “no,” then don’t go ahead and do anything.

Doing so is a waste of time because you could have utilized that time to earn more money or fill up your bank account instead.

Taking on too many tasks or jobs that don’t pay you extra money is a sure way to burn through your time and become burnt out.

What can I do to increase my income by two, four, or even ten times?

Throughout the year 2022, consider ways to increase your revenue in an exponential, rather than a linear, fashion.

For example, if you earn $1,000, consider how you may earn $5,000 in a month or three months, or even $10,000 by multiplying it ten times.

Changing jobs or asking your present employer for a raise might quadruple your salary if you’re currently working a 5-to-9 job.

Increasing your revenue by two or three times is certainly doable if you’re self-employed. Throughout the year 2022, keep a pen and paper with you at all times and consider the various options that could allow you to double, quadruple, or 10X your earnings.

How much am I willing to sacrifice in order to meet my financial goals?

No cross, no crown, as they say. Many people enjoy omelettes, but they loathe the idea of breaking an egg to make them.

This is a form of delusion perpetrated on oneself. Make sure you’re prepared to pay any price and face any stress in order to make more money in 2022 as the year progresses.

Do you really need to earn that impressive credential?

 Is it absolutely necessary for you to relocate to a different city, state, or nation if your circumstances enable it?

To double your present income, do you need to learn how to trade cryptocurrencies, do Forex trading, use content marketing, run an online business, or any other new skills?

You’re restricting your potential if you’re unwilling to make any sacrifices in order to reach your goal.

Where can I obtain assistance in 2022 to generate more money?

Many people suffer from poor self-esteem and fear of approaching others for assistance. Some people are born to be lone wolves, content to toil and suffer in silence.

As previously stated, it all comes down to one’s frame of mind. To get the aid you need, all you have to do is raise your hand and ask for it. Keep in mind that you are not pleading.

Begging is a form of self-deprecation that diminishes one’s own value. Also, keep in mind that you are not requesting a handout. There are only genuine questions about how to get from here to there.

Google, YouTube, Facebook, and a few other social media platforms are all good places to start. Online groups can be joined. If you want to earn more money in 2022, make it a New Year’s resolution to ask for help more often.

My goal is to make a difference in the lives of as many people as possible.

Boldness and Abundance are two words that come to mind when thinking about this project Author Dr Peter Diamandis once said that if you want to become a billionaire and have a positive impact on the lives of one billion people, you need to make an impact on one billion people.

To make more money in 2022, you’ll need to be willing to have a greater impact on the lives of more people. Do you have any ideas? Barack Obama worked as a community organizer before becoming president.

 It is possible to start a blog or podcast and speak out against bad leadership in your area. Like Khan Academy, you may open a school online.

You can generate a lot more money in 2022 by simply touching more people’s lives and making a significant difference. The only thing you need to remember is that gaining more money is not for your own personal ego trip.

Why do I want to earn more money in 2022?

 As I stated earlier, you must keep in mind that gaining more money is not merely for your own personal gratification. In order to succeed in 2022, you need a compelling “Why” that goes beyond the everyday.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more money to buy a Rolls-Royce, a larger mansion, or a private island for yourself. When the going gets rough, you’ll need a strong “Why,” and the stronger your “Why” is, the more resilient you’ll be.

If you don’t have a strong enough “Why,” you’ll give up as soon as you encounter your first difficulty or experience a tiny setback.

The kinds of “Why” that endure are those that make a difference in more people’s lives, improve the world, or serve humanity. You’ll earn more money in 2022 if you develop a compelling “Why” to lead your trip.


Here are the seven most important questions to ask yourself in 2022 if you want to make more money. Starting with the question of how much money I want to make, and then analyzing that number in depth is the first step.

Everything else will be pointless if you don’t have a goal in mind. Asking whether or not what I’m currently doing is bringing in more money is the next step.

After that, I’d like to know what I can do to increase my revenue tenfold. What price am I willing to pay in order to reach my financial goals? What do I need to do in order to earn more money?

After that, how many people’s lives do I want to change? Why do I want to earn more money in the first place?

If you ask these questions and go about your business in a methodical manner in search of solutions, you will generate more money in 2022 than you did in the preceding ten years combined. It’s something you can rely on, believe me.

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